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be clutch


Decidedly different from the many axe throwing venues that have opened in recent years, Clutch Shot is privately owned and operated by Jason Patton.  A competitive athlete from the time his feet hit the ground, Jason has been training and competing in BJJ/MMA for over 15 years and received his black belt (the only way he knows how) through blood, sweat and tears.


Ever the entrepreneur, Jason spent the past 12 years working tirelessly in a successful (yet not exactly fulfilling) HVAC business.  He had dreams of something else—something that would tap into his competitive, fun-loving nature, something that would make his long business owner days worth the effort.


After a first date led him to throwing axes, he suddenly understood what that “else” was. He already owned the property and could easily envision it transformed—a rustic-relaxed neighborhood vibe, his beloved dog Tugger running around, family and friends gathering to socialize and THROW AXES.

Clutch Shot Axe Throwing

It all seemed so easy, until the seemingly endless uphill battle began.  A few months into the project Jason had a major motorcycle accident.  Major, as in the doctors aren’t certain how long it will take for you to walk again major.  But ever the fighter, Jason took three steps one day and six the next, focusing on incremental progress and pure mental determination. Four months later he was back on the Clutch Shot site, building targets (slowly) and ordering axes.


The series of events that followed—one deflating challenge after another, stalled the opening of Clutch Shot a full year. Jason states, “Sure, I had moments of doubt but I never allowed anyone’s negativity to get in my way of moving forward. All my life has been about perseverance and striving for something better.” The name Clutch Shot is both ironic and apt, as being “epic under pressure” is exactly what it took to get the doors open.


Jason is looking forward to watching his baby grow—League play will be added soon as well as live music and featured food vendors. “I really want Clutch to feel chill and inviting, a comfortable place to bring friends and to make some new ones while you’re here.”

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